The decision-making body of the Saint Cloud APO







For more information, contact:

Brian Gibson, APO Executive Director



APO Executive Director


The Policy Board is the decision-making body of the APO and is responsible for adopting regional transportation plans, projects, and policies as well as directing APO staff. The Joint Powers Agreement establishes the APO and sets out many of the terms and conditions under which it operates. A jurisdiction can become a member of the APO by approving the Joint Powers Agreement.

Meeting Schedule

The Policy Board normally meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Great River Regional Library in Saint Cloud, but times and dates do sometimes change. Check the latest agenda for more information.

Current APO Policy Board Membership

Board members may also designate an alternate to attend meetings in their absence.

Agenda Packets & Meetings Minutes







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The Saint Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) fully complies with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Executive Order 12898, Executive Order 13116 and related statutes and regulations. The APO is accessible to all persons of all abilities. A person who requires a modification or accommodation, auxiliary aids, translation services, interpreter services, etc., in order to participate in a public meeting, including receiving this agenda and/or attachments in an alternative format, or language please contact the APO at 320-252-7568 or at at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.


Ururka Qorsheynta Deegaanka ee Cloud Cloud (APO) wuxuu si buuxda u waafaqsanahay Cinwaanka VI ee Xuquuqda Xuquuqda Rayidka ee 1964, Cinwaanka II ee Sharciga Naafada Mareykanka ee 1990, Amarka Fulinta 12898, Amarka Fulinta 13116 iyo qawaaniinta iyo qawaaniinta la xiriira. APO waa u furan tahay dhammaan dadka awooda oo dhan. Qofka u baahan dib-u-habeyn ama dejin, caawimaad gargaar ah, adeegyo turjumaad, adeegyo turjubaan, iwm, si uu uga qeyb galo kulan dadweyne, oo ay ku jiraan helitaanka  ajendahaan iyo / ama ku lifaaqan qaab kale, ama luqadda fadlan la xiriir APO. 320-252- 7568 ama at ugu yaraan toddobo (7) maalmood kahor kulanka.


La Organización de Planificación del Área de Saint Cloud (APO en inglés) cumple plenamente con el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, con el Título II de la Ley sobre los Estadounidenses con Discapacidad de 1990), de la Orden Ejecutiva 12898, de la Orden Ejecutiva 13116 y los estatutos y reglamentos relacionados. La APO es accesible para todas las personas de todas las capacidades. Una persona que requiere una modificación o acomodación, ayudas auxiliares, servicios de traducción, servicios de interpretación, etc., para poder participar en una reunión pública, incluyendo recibir esta agenda y/o archivos adjuntos en un formato o idioma alternativo, por favor, contacta a la APO al número de teléfono 320-252-7568 o al al menos siete (7) días antes de la reunión.