Looking Ahead 2050

For more information, contact:

Senior Transportation


Status Update for Next MTP

What is a Metropolitan Transportation Plan?

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a long-range, multimodal, surface transportation plan that identifies a regional vision for transportation and the steps necessary to achieve that vision. By federal regulation, MTPs must have a planning horizon of at least 20 years, and must be updated no less than every five years. MTPs are a joint product of all individual agencies (such as transit and the State department of transportation) and jurisdictions within the region, and so represent a singular agreed to vision for the future of transportation within the region. Goals and objectives are defined for the transportation system, as well as individual strategies, policies, and transportation projects to help achieve those goals and objectives. A transportation project listed in the MTP is eligible for federal transportation funding.

Components of an MTP include 1) identification of existing transportation issues, 2) projections of future transportation demand, and 3) a long-term financial plan for funding the construction and preservation of transportation systems, among others. Cost estimates for future projects are developed and compared to funding sources that are reasonably expected to be available.

The MTP is multimodal, and it includes an analysis of the transportation networks individually and as a whole, including roadways, public transit, active transportation networks, and freight systems. Overall, the MTP is a regional plan that defines the course for future transportation investments.

Looking Ahead 2050 LogoLooking Ahead 2050

On Oct. 10, 2024, the APO’s Policy Board approved the APO’s current MTP, Looking Ahead 2050. As such, this document supersedes any previous versions of an APO MTP. Looking Ahead 2050 should be consulted on any major transportation infrastructure project and/or policy developed within the Saint Cloud metropolitan area. This document should serve as a resource for local, state, and federal partners on the surface transportation network priorities for residents within Central Minnesota.


Download and Review the Chapters

Looking Ahead 2050 StoryMap

The Looking Ahead 2050 MTP can be an incredibly long document to review (trust us, we know!). That’s why we made a StoryMap! This format allows for an easier way to get the information you need from the APO’s MTP without having to comb through hundreds of pages.


Looking Ahead 2050 Video Summaries

During the APO’s public outreach on the final draft of Looking Ahead 2050 (August-September 2024), staff made a series of short videos to help explain the various chapters of the MTP. If you don’t have time to read the plan or review the StoryMap, these videos help summarize the contents of the MTP. Please note, while the text on the documents in the video is watermarked as draft, since the development of these videos, the APO’s Policy Board has officially approved Looking Ahead 2050.


History of Changes to Current MTP

This section will document any changes made to the current MTP.


The current MTP was approved by the APO Policy Board on Oct. 10, 2024.

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Click on the photos below to access previous versions of the MTP. Or you can visit our ARCHIVES page to see these and other documents.


MAPPING 2045 MTP Cover Photo



Blueprint 2040 Saint Cloud Metropolitan Transportation Plan


2035 Transportation Plan

Cover of the Saint Cloud Metropolitan Area 2035 Transportation Plan.