
This page contains brief descriptions of studies and other resources that are still relevant to the regional transportation goals and objectives. Older and/or obsolete documents may be found on the ARCHIVES page. Click on the title of the document to see the document or (for plans completed by other entities) see the webpage for that plan.

Corridor Studies

A corridor study is a planning project that works to define the relationships between a roadway and its adjacent land uses. In addition, these projects are also used to understand both existing and future conditions of the roadway being studied. The studies found on this page were facilitated and/or funded by the Saint Cloud APO.

Pavement Condition Reports

Pavement data collection is good practice as it can assist agencies and jurisdictions in prioritizing costly infrastructure preservation treatments. This information can also assist in the development and implementation of a pavement preservation program.

Travel Demand Modeling Related Studies

The APO utilizes a Travel Demand Model (TDM) to help project transportation demands within the planning area. The TDM is a tool used to understand trip generation and attraction information to distribute travel on a roadway network (trip assignment). The following documents are related to the development and refinement of the APO's TDM.

Multimodal Related Plans & Studies

Multimodal transportation includes walking, biking, transit, rail, cars, and trucks. Multimodal transportation is the movement of people and goods on roadways, including but not limited to, motorists, transit-riders, freight-carriers, bicyclists and pedestrians -- including those with disabilities.

Miscellaneous Plans & Reports

The following is a list of other plans, studies, and reports developed either by APO staff or by consultants under the direction of the APO.