The Saint Cloud APO puts out a quarterly newsletter titled, The Oxcart. In case you do not know, our title, The Oxcart, was chosen because it is a historical reference to the founding of the region. In the 1840s oxcart trains would move furs from the Hudson Bay Co.’s Red River Colony near Pembina to the Mississippi River at Minneapolis-Saint Paul in order to transport the furs to the east coast and to Europe. The oxcart trains would then carry much needed supplies back to the Red River Colony. The bluffs above the Mississippi River upon which the Saint Cloud urban area now sits was a kind of waystation where the oxcart trains – sometimes composed of hundreds of individual oxcarts – would often camp overnight. To us, the oxcart is symbolic of the intertwining of transportation and economic development that modern transportation modes still serve.

The Oxcart Issue 14 – June 2024

The Oxcart Issue 13 – March 2024

The Oxcart Issue 12 — December 2023

The Oxcart Issue 11 – September 2023

The Oxcart Issue 10 – January 2023

The Oxcart Issue 09 – December 2022

The Oxcart Issue 08 – September 2022

The Oxcart Issue 07 – June 2022

The Oxcart Issue 06 – Mar 2022

The Oxcart Issue 05 – Dec 2021

The Oxcart Issue 04 – Sep 2021

The Oxcart Issue 03 – Jun 2021

The Oxcart Issue 02 – Mar 2021

The Oxcart Issue 01 – Oct 2020

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