For more information contact:
Alex McKenzie




The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) is important to ensuring the tax-paying public is given ample opportunity to access, review, and comment on plans, studies, and other documents as they are being developed. The SEP will help members of the public and affected organizations understand how to participate effectively in the APO’s planning processes. The procedures outlined in the SEP are reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure a full and open participation process.




Review of SEP Effectiveness

The APO annually assesses the effectiveness of its public input processes. We do this to help ensure that they are reasonable and convenient for the public, and result in more and better feedback. By reviewing the effectiveness of our processes, we hope to improve them over time and keep them relevant and convenient for the public.


History of Changes to Current SEP

Oct. 13, 2022

The APO Policy Board approved the revision to the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. The plan adopted supersedes all other SEP documents.

Feb. 12, 2021

In November 2020, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) updated its guidance regarding administrative modifications and amendments to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)/Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). In order to further align the APO’s process with the state’s, the APO Policy Board approved technical corrections to Chapter 5 of the SEP. These changes involved adjusting the language to mirror that found in the MnDOT November 2020 memo found HERE.

Oct. 8, 2020

The APO Policy Board approved the revision to the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. The plan adopted supersedes all other SEP documents.

Title VI Complaints

Any person or group of persons who believe they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice on the basis of race, color, or national origin as prescribed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act may individually, or through a legally authorized representative, make and sign a complaint and file the complaint with MnDOT. Complainants are encouraged to submit complaints directly to MnDOT via its online complaint form available here:

Cabashooyinka Cinwaanka VI

Qof kasta ama koox dad ah oo aamminsan inay ka xanaajiyeen fal sharci darro ah oo ku saleysan takooris ku saleysan jinsi, midab, ama asal ahaan qaran sida lagu qeexay cinwaanka Cinwaanka VI ee Xuquuqda Madaniga ayaa shaqsiyan, ama loo mari karaa wakiil sharci oo sharci u leh, sameysto iyo Saxeex ashtakada oo u fayl garee cabashada MnDOT. Foomka Cabashada Cinwaanka VI waxaa lagala soo bixi karaa adigoo gujinaya badhanka buluugga ah ee hoose.

Foomka Cabashada Cinwaanka VI

Reclamos del Título VI

Cualquier persona o grupo de personas que creen que han sido perjudicadas por una práctica discriminatoria ilegal basada en la raza, color o nacionalidad con arreglo al Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles puede, de manera individual o a través de un representante autorizado legalmente, hacer y firmar un reclamo y presentar el reclamo con la MnDOT. El Formulario de Reclamos del Título VI puede ser descargado haciendo clic en el botón azul de abajo.

Formulario de Reclamos del Título VI

Title II Complaints

Any person or group of persons who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice on the basis of disability as prescribed under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act may individually, or through a legally authorized representative, make and sign a complaint and file the complaint with the APO. The Title II Complaint Form can be downloaded by clicking the blue button below. Submit your completed form to the Saint Cloud APO Title II Coordinator by mail to 1040 County Road 4, St. Cloud, MN 56303.

SCAPO Title II Procedure and Form

Cabashooyinka Cinwaanka II

Qof kasta ama koox dad ah oo aamminsan inay ka xanaaqeen fal sharci darro ah oo takooris ah oo ku saleysan naafanimo sida lagu qeexay cinwaanka II ee Sharciga Naafada Mareykanka ayaa shaqsiyan, ama iyadoo loo maro wakiil sharci oo sharciyeysan, sameysan kara oo saxeex cabasho iyo fayl Cabashada APO. Foomka Dacwada Cinwaanka ‘II II’ waa lagala soo bixi karaa adigoo gujinaya batoonka buluugga ah ee hoose. U soo gudbi foomkaaga oo dhammaystiran Isuduwaha Cinwaanka II ee II Cloud II, boostada 1040 County Road 4, St. Cloud, MN 56303.

Foomka Cabashada Cinwaanka II

Reclamos del Título II

Cualquier persona o grupo de personas que creen que han sido perjudicadas por una práctica discriminatoria ilegal basada en la discapacidad con arreglo al Título II de la Ley sobre los Estadounidenses con Discapacidades puede, de manera individual o a través de un representante autorizado legalmente, hacer y firmar un reclamo y presentar el reclamo con la APO. El Formulario de Reclamos del Título II puede ser descargado haciendo clic en el botón azul de abajo. Envía tu formulario completado al Coordinador de Título II de la APO Saint Cloud por correo a 1040 County Road 4, St. Cloud, MN 56303.

Formulario de Reclamos del Título II

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Links below will take you to previous public participation plans.

Review of SEP Effectiveness Report


Or you can visit the ARCHIVES page for these and other documents.