The APO coordinates surface transportation planning for the entire metropolitan region.

We focus upon the development of plans and programs to produce an integrated, intermodal surface transportation system that facilitates the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. The APO uses a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3-C) transportation planning process among our participating agencies and jurisdictions. We do not construct projects or implement programs ourselves; instead, we rely on our participating agencies and jurisdictions to implement the recommendations from our planning efforts.

We strive to have a proactive public involvement process. There are several points in the planning process at which community member input may directly influence the outcome of planning activities. The greatest potential for influence by the public is early in the planning process, before any decisions are made. You can find more details about when and how we solicit public input in our Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).

The APO primarily uses three documents to coordinate the transportation planning process: 1) the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), 2) the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and 3) the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). All three documents work together to help implement the regional vision for surface transportation.

Recently, the APO decided to develop a regional document that summarizes all anticipated roadway and shared use path improvement projects regardless of funding source. The Regional Infrastructure Investment Plan (RIIP) combines the Capital Improvement Plans (CIPs) from the member jurisdictions into one document and maps the projects for easy geographical reference.

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  • Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

    The MTP is a long-term vision document that outlines transportation goals, objectives, policies, and projects for the entire region. Projects that appear in the MTP are eligible for Federal transportation funding assistance. The 20-year horizon of the plan incorporates forecasted population, housing, employment, environmental, land use, and technology changes.

    Based upon projected transportation needs, financial resources, and community input, the MTP identifies strategies and actions to promote the development of an integrated, intermodal surface transportation system that facilitates the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. It also identifies specific highway, transit, freight, and active transportation (i.e., non-motorized) projects that are designed to improve safety, mitigate congestion, and increase mobility for residents and visitors. The MTP is updated at least every five years.


  • Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

    The TIP is a programming document that lists transportation projects that will be undertaken by one of our participating agencies or jurisdictions. TIP projects are often funded, at least in part, with federal money and/or are considered to be regionally significant.

    The TIP is a short-term, four-year implementation program of surface transportation projects for public transit, highway, and active transportation (i.e., not motorized) projects.  The TIP is required to be financially constrained by year and must be consistent with the MTP.


  • Regional Infrastructure Investment Plan (RIIP)

    The RIIP is an informational document that combines the Capital Improvement Plan (CIPs) of the APO’s member jurisdictions into one document and maps those projects so that the general public, policy makers, and planners and engineers in each jurisdiction can see the geographical location of all anticipated projects.

    The RIIP is updated annually, but the public should know that CIP projects change frequently as funding and conditions on the ground change. If you have any questions about the location, scope, or timing of a project, you should contact the engineering or public works department for the relevant jurisdiction for more details.


  • Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

    The UPWP does two main things: 1) it describes and programs funding for planning studies and tasks to be undertaken by the APO, and 2) describes and programs the budgetary and staffing requirements for the APO. The UPWP shows two years’ worth of studies and budget, but it is updated annually. The second year of the UPWP is provisional and may change the following year.

    The UPWP identifies transportation-related planning studies that are completed in order to investigate and better understand a specific transportation problem and to help define the best possible solution. Other planning-related tasks included in the UPWP are cross-cutting and support multiple planning studies, such as maintaining a regional travel demand model (TDM) or collecting and analyzing transportation-related performance data.


  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Title VI Document

    The SEP provides detailed information about when and how the public will be involved in the APO’s planning and programming processes, including the MTP and TIP. It also provides general public participation guidance for all other planning products completed by the APO, such as regional planning studies, corridor studies, and sub-area studies.

    As part of its planning and programming process, the APO seeks to involve any citizen or other party who has an interest in the process. The goal of the APO is to ensure public input is received, documented, and considered in the planning process because utilizing public input helps to improve decision-making at all levels. The SEP provides the vision and the process for engaging the full range of constituents in regional decision-making. It also allows for addressing public priorities and concerns and improving public agency-to-community relationships.