CURRENT UPWP   //  Safe Streets & Roads for All

Safe Streets & Roads for All

Download the Request for Proposals



The Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) program aims to identify and implement solutions for the most significant roadway safety concerns in every community. For planning grants, the goal is to develop a comprehensive safety action plan by developing a holistic, well-defined strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries. Once a comprehensive safety action plan is in place, SS4A implementation grants can be pursued to fund projects and strategies to address the identified problems.

In 2022, the jurisdictions of the APO approached APO staff and asked if the APO could do one regional SS4A plan rather than each individual jurisdiction doing their own plan.

And so, the goal of this planning effort is to create a comprehensive regional SS4A safety action plan that any of the five cities with over 5,000 population within the APO’s planning area could use to submit SS4A implementation grant applications.

Our expectations are that:

  • The planning process will conform to any and all requirements for completing an SS4A comprehensive safety action plan, including the SS4A Self-Certification Eligibility Worksheet:;
  • The action plan will identify top safety issues in each of the five cities;
    • Identification of top safety issues will consider all modes of transportation;
  • The action plan will consider not only discrete, location-specific safety issues, but also systemic safety needs and/or policies;

This planning effort will concentrate on the urban area within the APO’s planning area. County and state roads and highways within the urban area boundaries will be included in the effort, but, in general, areas outside of the urban area will not be analyzed.


The goals of this effort are to:

  1. Create a regional SS4A comprehensive safety action plan for the Saint Cloud urban area that any of the five cities with over 5,000 population or any county could use to submit SS4A implementation grant applications.
  2. The plan shall include a comprehensive set of projects and strategies to address the safety problems in the action plan, time ranges when projects and strategies will be deployed, and an explanation of the project prioritization criteria.

SS4A Grant Application Narrative

The APO submitted an SS4A grant application in July 2023. You can read our grant application narrative by clicking the blue button below:



Q: Per the RPF, Consultant’s insurance must be endorsed to provide at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to Saint Cloud APO, without fail, of any cancellation, non-renewal, or modification of any the policy(ies) or coverage evidenced by said certificate(s). Should Consultant’s insurance only be endorsed to provide thirty (30) days notice of cancellation, would this be acceptable should Consultant provide the required notice or non-renewal or modification in coverage?

A: Because this issue deals with liability, we would want to know if you modify or do not renew your coverage during the time of performance on the contract. Hopefully it’s not too much of a barrier to overcome to get those certifications.