Input Needed on Future Functional Class Network

Input Needed on Future Functional Class Network

Future Functional Classification Systemwide MapThe APO’s Regional Future Arterials and Collectors study is in its final stages and we need your input on the long-term proposed roadway network.

This study, led by the Saint Cloud APO in conjunction with consulting firm Bolton & Menk, is designed to identify areas across the region where future roadway corridors will be needed.

By understanding the locations of where these future roadways are likely to be placed, today’s transportation planners, engineers, and ultimately local developers will have a better grasp on where and how the cities and counties intend to grow. This will help ensure that when the time comes, enough land can be preserved to allow for these additional corridors.

While we may be talking about this today, many of the proposed roadways are decades out from becoming a reality. So now really is the time to tell us if the proposed future network makes sense for the region.

Between now and Dec. 13, we want to hear from you! To find out more about the study as well as learn how you can provide your feedback, please check out the study website by clicking HERE.