CURRENT UPWP   //  Future Arterial & Collector Roadway Planning

Future Arterial & Collector Roadway Planning

Arterials are intended to provide higher speed and longer distance transportation and therefore they tend to be interjurisdictional facilities. Ensuring agreement among all relevant jurisdictions as to the location of those arterials, the amount of right-of-way to preserve for the future corridor, and access control standards to protect operations are important to the successful development of efficient and safe arterial corridors.

This planning effort is not meant to be detailed at the corridor level. Rather, the intent is to be a high-level, regional planning effort. As such, we understand that some locations for some arterials or collectors will be approximate or general until such time as a detailed corridor study can be completed.

Our current functional classification is available at:

Note that within the APO’s planning area there are five cities over 5,000 population, covering portions of three counties. In addition, there is a US highway, two state highways, and I-94. The successful proposer will be expected to work with each jurisdiction to understand their development goals and to develop a list of potential roadway corridors for the future federal-aid network. Then, work across jurisdictional boundaries to ensure the continuity of the arterial corridors, where relevant. The State should be consulted anytime a corridor is expected to intersect or cross one of their highways.


Existing Functional Classifications (Tech. Memo)

Peer Review (Tech. Memo)

Review of Plans for Future Roadways (Tech. Memo)