Download the RFP
Background & Description
Understanding current pavement conditions allows responsible jurisdictions to appropriately prioritize roadway resurfacing and maintenance projects. Currently, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) collects roadway pavement condition data at least every three years for the National Highway System (NHS) along with all county roadways within the APO’s planning area. While valuable, MnDOT’s process still leaves out many collectors, arterials, and other key roadways. The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to collect pavement quality conditions for those Federal-Aid roadways within the APO’s Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) for which MnDOT does not otherwise collect pavement condition data.
The approved performance measure for pavement conditions within the MPA is the International Roughness Index (IRI).
The APO estimates that there are approximately 235 lane-miles of roadway for which the consultant would need to collect pavement condition data. This is a rough estimate only, and respondents should budget time for finalizing the map/locations of roadways that need to be measured.
Respondents do NOT need to collect data for NHS roadways (MnDOT already does that) nor for the county roadways for which MnDOT already collects pavement condition data. However, we do ask that the successful consultant finds the latest MnDOT pavement condition data and combines it with the pavement condition data that the consultant collects to present one holistic picture of pavement conditions across the MPA.
In addition to roadway pavement condition data, the APO also desires to collect pavement condition data for all shared-use paths in the MPA. We estimate there are approximately 135 centerline miles of shared-use paths within the MPA. Data collection should be performed in both directions on each path.
Pavement conditions for shared-use paths should be collected using a bicycle as that is how users experience shared-use paths.
The goals of this effort are to:
- Collect and/or record pavement condition data for all minor collectors, major collectors, minor arterials, principal arterials, and interstate roadways within the MPA.
- Collect pavement conditions for shared-use paths within the MPA.
- Provide the APO’s jurisdictions with a resource to which they can refer in order to understand the pavement maintenance needs for both roadways and shared-use paths within their jurisdiction and across the entire MPA.
The final deliverables of this effort will be:
- A series of PDF maps showing roadway pavement conditions according to the most recent pavement condition data collection effort, including data collected by MnDOT. The maps are intended to be resources for jurisdictional staff to assist in identifying and prioritizing pavement condition needs. There should be a map showing the entire MPA, as well as maps showing each individual city over 5,000 population within the APO.
- A series of PDF maps showing shared-use path pavement conditions according to the most recent pavement condition data collection effort. There should be a map showing the entire MPA, as well as maps showing each individual city over 5,000 population within the APO.
- A set of geodatabase files compatible with ESRI’s ArcGIS detailing pavement conditions for all roadways with in the MPA for which pavement condition data is available – one GIS layer for roadways and a second separate layer for shared-use paths.
- A written report detailing how the data was collected and the results of the data collection effort.
Previous Work
The previous (2019) roadway pavement condition data collection report can be seen here:
The previous (2020) shared-use path pavement condition data collection report can be seen here: