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The overall objectives of the UPWP are:

  1. To help implement the MTP by conducting the planning work necessary for achievement of the goals, objectives, and projects within it
  2. To coordinate planning work among and between the agency and jurisdictional members of the APO
  3. To provide transparent financial management of the APO

Each UPWP covers a two year period, however, the UPWP is developed and approved annually. The UPWP’s second year is provisional and is only used to help the APO and its members understand upcoming studies and budgetary needs.


History of Changes to Current UPWP

The 2024-2025 UPWP was approved by the Policy Board on August 10, 2023.

MnDOT approved the 2023-2024 UPWP on October 10, 2023.

The Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration jointly approved the 2023-2024 UPWP on November 9, 2023.

On January 11, 2024, the APO Policy Board approved an amendment to the UPWP to include the “Safe Streets & Roads for All” grant, which was awarded to the APO in December 2023.

The APO received Federal and State approval of that UPWP amendment on February 1, 2024.


Previous Planning & Accomplishments

A full report of the APO’s planning 2023 work and accomplishments will be completed in the Spring of 2024 and will be linked here when it is available.


The Next UPWP

Development of the 2025-2026 UPWP has not yet started.


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Active Planning Efforts

Regional Future Arterials & Collectors Planning

Arterials and collector roadways are intended for higher-volume, higher-speed, longer-distance trips. As such, they often cross jurisdictional boundaries and interact with other major corridors. This planning effort seeks to develop a map of future arterial and collector roadway corridors along with recommendations on right-of-way preservation, access control, and intersection control for the corridors.


Travel Demand Model Improvements (2024)

The APO’s regional travel demand model is used to forecast future traffic conditions under various scenarios. Currently the model produces traffic forecasts in daily vehicle numbers. We seek to add a time-of-day distribution to the model output to better represent the changing traffic conditions throughout the day.


Safe Streets & Roads for All

The Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) program aims to identify and implement solutions for the most significant roadway safety concerns in every community. For planning grants, the goal is to develop a comprehensive safety action plan by developing a holistic, well-defined strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries. Once a comprehensive safety action plan is in place, SS4A implementation grants can be pursued to fund projects and strategies to address the identified problems.

In 2022, the jurisdictions of the APO approached APO staff and asked if the APO could do one regional SS4A plan rather than each individual jurisdiction doing their own plan.

And so, the goal of this planning effort is to create a comprehensive regional SS4A safety action plan that any of the five cities with over 5,000 population within the APO’s planning area could use to submit SS4A implementation grant applications.


Older UPWPs:

To see UPWP documents from previous years, you can click on the titles below or visit our ARCHIVES page: